The day before tour

Posted by on Jan 19, 2012 in Bassoon, Music Business, Performing | 1,745 comments

It’s the day before I go on tour.  I have checked in to my flight and printed my boarding pass.  My mile long check-list of things I HAD to do before leaving has all but two things crossed off (and one of those is happening in 2.5 hours, the other in 4).  I think the hardest part of owning a business is planning ahead.  Because I’m about to leave for 10 days I had to do problem solving in advance for ANYTHING that could come up.  I’m very lucky because my employees are great.  But man does it take a lot of thinking to get things in place to leave for 10 days.

But that is really the story of my life, isn’t it?  As a bassoonist, I’m about to go on tour so I started the reeds I plan on playing on 6-9 months ago.  They were rested and tips clipped within the last 2-10 days.  Today I continued to refine and break them in so for the first performance I’ll have a beautiful reed.  Planning is my life.

Now I have to “plan” my footwear.  With my bassoon stuff and injury prevention workshop stuff I only have 2/3 of my checked suitcase for my own use.  So am I really going to have room for ALL the shoes I want to bring?  Sadly no.  Stupid airlines and their expensive bag fees!  So packing will be very strategic.  Obviously the Vibram will get the nod because I will be jogging a lot in the mornings to decrease performance anxiety symptoms.  And of course my concert heels will be coming (and yes, I will limit myself to one pair and a spare.)  But then comes the issue, how many boots.  And this is Texas, shouldn’t I be bringing more sandals?  It’s FREEZING out today so that is hard to imagine.  Oh how I long for warmth!!!!!!!  Texas here I come….after I pack….

Welcome to the new site!

Posted by on Dec 23, 2011 in Uncategorized | 8,660 comments

After a lot of work, “Welcome to the new”  Thanks to Elegant Themes my new site looks pretty and has great functionality.  Sallie with WordPress Fangirl was fantastic to work with, answered all my questions, and did everything that was beyond my knowledge or time willingness.  WordPress is now my CMS.  I switched to WordPress because I use it for the other two sites I manage and wanted all my sites on the same CMS to make it easier for me.  I also have enjoyed writing my contributions to the Music Collective blog, so thought I would start to blog on my own site as well.  So welcome!  I hope you find some useful information here.  Check back often, I hope to write at least one blog entry per week.