“Essentials of Bassoon Technique” by Toplansky and Cooper
- The bible of bassoon fingers
“The Bassoon Reed Manual: Lou Skinner’s Techniques” by McKay
- Covers two main reed styles
- Great book to learn some of the science behind reed making
“The Art of Bassoon Playing” by William Spence
- Nice over view of the bassoon, a good read for beginners
“The Art of Wind Playing” by Arthur Weisberg
- Written by a famous bassoonist, but generalizes for all woodwinds
- Covers ways to practice different woodwind techniques
“Bassoon Technique” by Archi Camden
- Written by the famous English bassoonist, it is a short read
“The bassoon and double bassoon: a short history of their origin, development, and makers” by Lyndsay Graham Langwill
- The first attempt to identify the chronology of the bassoon
“The bassoon: its history, construction, makers, players, and music” by Will Jansen
- Five volume work that covers bassoon history
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