The increasing competition and changes to the music field has escalated the demands on music graduates. Versatility and marketability are becoming increasingly important to musicians when looking for jobs. Injuries are derailing careers. Music programs are slow in recognizing these changes and need to revise their curriculum to prepare their students appropriately. I have designed the following courses to enhance conservatory and music school curriculum. Please
contact me for more information or course syllabus.
Injury Prevention
Musicians are athletes with the prevalence of performance related musculoskeletal disorders reported as high as 88%. Learn multiple strategies to prevent pain and/or injuries related to playing. Areas of study include: identifying risk factors, basic anatomy, proper stretching techniques, effective self-treatments, practice strategies, performance anxiety, and the mind-body connection. Gain hands-on experience preventing injury and obtain tools to foster a long healthy career in music.
Professional Development series: helping students have successful careers
Professional Development
Develop a professional image. Gain experience utilizing a brand strategy for print materials, create a press kit, develop versatility when applying to job postings, and cultivate interviewing/auditioning skills. At the conclusion of the course students will have all the materials at their disposal to have a successful experience in the job market.
The Entrepreneurial Musician
Learn how to create your own opportunities to construct a successful career in music. Areas of study will include marketing, business plans, networking, publicity, contract negotiation, liability, creating teaching opportunities, grant writing, and finances. A multi-faceted career requires planning and balance; gain the tools to create the career you desire.
Music Business courses
Marketing Music to the Social Media Generation
Attracting a concert audience is harder than ever. Our on demand society has forced musical organizations to revise how they approach customers. This class focuses on how to attract an audience by integrating the internet and social media into a marketing campaign while strengthening your brand and enticing new customers.
Funding the Arts
The arts cost money. Understand the role of the current economic climate on the arts. Become familiar with the tax implications of different non-profit and incorporation structures. Discover multiple areas to procure funding including the government, grants, foundations, and private donors. Additional areas of study include: creating a successful fundraiser, “KickStart” programs, following through after a successful grant, how to turn patrons into donors, and what to do when funds are insufficient.
Essential course for bassoon players
Reed Making
Learn the history of reed making and the science/acoustical properties of reeds. Gain experience making different reed styles. Achieve proficiency finishing and adjusting reeds.
Orchestral Repertoire for Bassoon
Learn the standard bassoon audition repertoire. Gain audition preparation skills that include ways to decrease music performance anxiety. Develop consistency on the orchestral repertoire.